Running my own Business 2017: Income Report

Wait what, 2017 is coming to end already? How did that happen? I just blinked my eyes and boom we are here again. The time has come for the next yearly income report after yet another fabulous year as a full-time entrepreneur running my one-woman show of social media consulting, PR and travel blogging.So let's get to the point. What do I do for a living and how much exactly did I earn this year? Yes I talk numbers. I never understood what makes money such a sneaky little secret. 

Updating client's Instagram accounts on a hotel bed in Asia (ps. I'm not naked haha)

1.Social media consulting: € 42, 700

Social media consulting is definitely the most important part of my income and realising that has me madly motivated to become even more of a wizard on this topic next year. I usually keep 1-3 monthly clients and run their social media by taking photos, writing posts, advertising and reporting for the client once per month.A big part of this job is also helping brands with influencer marketing from planning campaigns to finding the right influencers. IMG_0159.jpg

Morning office at a hotel in Ho Chi Minh City where I was invited as a media guest to attend a travel expo

2. Travel blogging: € 20, 500 

I'd say all of what I do somehow relates back to this travel blog and I definitely have this little place on the internet to thank for the business I have today. And I'm feeling extremely motivated to take this business to a next level too, so expect more frequent travel tips spiced up with a little mix of business and wellness for next year.This blog has taken me on 17 unforgettable international adventures this year, meaning airplanes have really become a second home to me with close to 300 hours in the air with 56 flights in 2017. Most of the trips are press trips, where the inviting party covers all the costs but I don't make any money directly. As travel blogging keeps becoming more and more professional, many of my trips are well-planned campaigns where the inviting party (destination, airline, ..) pays a fee for the content that I create on my blog and Instagram.There are many ways to make money through blogging, but for me, the most important part is paid trips.IMG_0339-2.jpg

Morning coffee at a pool in Vietnam while catching up on emails

3. Public Relations: € 21, 100 

Inside the tourism industry, my expertise is in PR and marketing. A couple of years as a PR Manager for an international travel brand ensured PR will always be an important part of my income. This year I've had a big airline client who I've helped to conquer the Finnish market.I've been writing press releases, planning blogger collaborations and networking in important events in Finland and abroad.

On a press trip in New York last spring

4. Freelance writing: € 1800

Writing articles used to be a bigger part of my living, but I've come to realise that if I write to too many publications this blog suffers and I don't have enough creative cells in my brain to produce content. So while I still enjoy writing elsewhere too, I try to keep it at a reasonable minimum and sometimes give my writing jobs to my freelancing friends and colleagues.This year I've been writing for a Finnish university and Matador Network, which both hopefully continue next year. I'm also supposed to write for Elite Daily and have two articles waiting to be published (which though might be published under a fake identity as the topics are a tad too Sex & The City – so good luck finding them, haha!).P5111112.jpg

Morning coffee on Manly Beach in Sydney

5. Event management: € 4100 

Event management is often a part of my job in some ways, helping my clients with marketing, organizing and hosting different PR and blogger events. With my degree in Tourism, Event Management is actually a big part of my profession and I actually have come to realise I enjoy it more than I expected before.The biggest event I'm involved in is, of course, Nordic Bloggers' Experience, which will again take place in January over here in Helsinki.

Second home in Helsinki: Roasberg cafe

6. Workshops & public speaking: 2700 €

I'm at home on stage and would absolutely love to do more of public speaking in the future. I've spent such a huge part of this year on the road that it's been almost impossible to set dates for events, but hopefully better luck on this next year. What I most love is holding inspiring lectures for the future tourism professionals. If I have one mission in life it is to inspire others to do what they are most passionate about.I also do workshops and lectures on social media for hotels and other travel brands.Currently, I'm reading the book "Talk like Ted" to learn more and more about the secrets of public speaking and influencing others.PB160126.jpg

Taking photos at a cafe in Florida for a blog post

So that is it. I've made € 92,200 running my own business in 2017 and I have to admit I am proud of myself. I never even imagined that one day I would become an entrepreneur and that this blog that I love so much could become a business for me. While I am pretty good at spending stupid amounts of money on flying Business Class and shopping designer bags at times, I've never really valued money. I don't set my goals on wanting to make a bigger income – all I really aspire for is a happy fulfilling life doing what sets my soul on fire.


Kaikki matkat 2017: vuoden ikimuistoisimpia hetkiä


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